Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ch.8 9 Questions Answers Essay Example

Ch.8 9 Questions Answers Essay Example Ch.8 9 Questions Answers Paper Ch.8 9 Questions Answers Paper A fault is. Faults are fractures in Earth where movement has occurred An earthquakes epicenter is. Is the location on the surface directly above the focus When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source, which is called Focus. The point within Earth where the earthquake starts is called the focus Earthquakes are usually associated with. Earthquakes are usually associated with large fractures in Earths crust and mantle called faults What causes earthquakes? Earthquake occur due to the release of built-up energy Most earthquakes are produced by the rapid release of which kind of energy stored in rock subjected to great forces? Elastic energy stored in rocks During an earthquake, the ground surface. Can move in any direction The adjustments of material that follow a major earthquake often generate smaller earthquake called Aftershock Major earthquakes are sometimes preceded by smaller earthquakes called Foreshocks The slow continuous movement that occurs along some fault zones is referred to as Creep The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 occurred along what fault? San Andreas Fault Which seismic waves travel most rapidly? P waves travel most rapidly. What is true about P waves? P waves are push-pull waves-they push and pull the rocks in the direction the waves travel. Overall, which seismic waves are the most destructive? The surface waves are the most destructive, because surface waves move in an up-down, side to side motion. What is the minimum number of seismic stations that is needed to determine the location of an earthquakes epicenter? Three An earthquakes magnitude is a measure of the size of the size of the seismic waves or the amount of energy released at the source of the earthquake What instrument records earthquake waves? Seismographs How much of an increase in wave amplitude is seen from an earthquake measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale compared to one measuring 4.4? 10 times greater A succession of ocean waves set in motion by a submarine earthquake is called a(n). Tsunami In areas where unconsolidated sediments are saturated with water, earthquakes can turn stable soil into a fluid through a process.. Liquidfaction Violent shaking from an earthquake can cause soil and rocks on slopes to fail and cause a. Landslides Why do earthquakes often cause damaging fires? The fires started when gas and electrical lines were cut. Long-range earthquake forecasts are based on the idea that earthquakes are.. Repetitive What layers of Earth make up the lithosphere? Crust and uppermost mantle Through which Earth layer are S waves NOT transmitted? Outer core, because it is liquid Earths core is made of an alloy of. Iron-nickel alloy Wegeners continental drift hypothesis stated that all the continents once joined together to form. A single supercontinent The supercontinent in the continental drift hypothesis was called. Pangaea In the plate tectonics theory, the lithosphere is divided into Plates and plates can be made up of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. A tectonic plate consists of Crust and uppermost mantle A divergent boundary at two oceanic plates can result in a. Rift valley What type of boundary occurs where two plates move together, causing one plate to descend into the mantle beneath the other plate? Convergent boundaries Give an example of a transform fault boundary? San Andreas Fault New ocean crust is formed at Divergent boundaries What occurs when divergence occurs between two oceanic plates? This process results in upwelling of material from the mantle to create new seafloor (seafloor spreading) The Himalayas in South Asia are an example of what type of plate boundary? Continental (convergent boundary) Volcanic island arcs are associated with what type of plate boundary? Oceanic (convergent boundaries)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Pearl Quotes Explained

The Pearl Quotes Explained The  Pearl  by John Steinbeck is a novel about an impoverished young diver, Kino, who finds a pearl of extraordinary beauty and value. Hardly believing his luck, Kino believes the pearl will bring his family fortune and fulfill his dreams of a better future. But as the old adage goes, be careful of what you wish for. In the end, the pearl unleashes tragedy on Kino and his family. Here are quotes from The Pearl  that illustrate Kinos rising hope, overreached ambition, and, finally, destructive greed. The Pearl Quotes Analyzed And, as with all retold tales that are in peoples hearts, there are only good and bad things and black and white things and good and evil things and no in-between. If this story is a parable, perhaps everyone takes his own meaning from it and reads his own life into it. Found within the prologue, this quote reveals how The Pearls plot is not entirely original to Steinbeck. In fact, it is a known story that is often told, perhaps like a folk legend. And as with most parables, there is a moral to this story.   When Kino had finished, Juana came back to the fire and ate her breakfast. They had spoken once, but there is not need for speech if it is only a habit anyway. Kino sighed with satisfaction- and that was conversation. From Chapter 1, these words paint Kino, the main character, and Juanas lifestyle as unembellished and quiet. This scene depicts Kino as simple and wholesome before he discovers the pearl.   But the pearls were accidents, and the finding of one was luck, a little pat on the back by God or the gods both. Kino is diving for pearls in Chapter 2. The act of finding pearls represents the notion that events in life are not actually up to man, but rather chance or a higher power.   Luck, you see, brings bitter friends. These ominous words in Chapter 3 spoken by Kinos neighbors foreshadow how the discovery of the pearl can harbor a troublesome future.   For his dream of the future was real and never to be destroyed, and he had said, I will go, and that made a real thing too. To determine to go and to say it was to be halfway there. Unlike the deference to the gods and chance in an earlier quote, this quote from Chapter 4 shows how Kino is now taking, or at least trying to take, full control of his future. This raises the question: is it chance or self-agency that determines ones life? This pearl has become my soul... If I give it up, I shall lose my soul. Kino utters these words in Chapter 5, revealing how he is consumed by the pearl and the materiality and greed it represents.   And then Kinos brain cleared from its red concentration and he knew the sound- the keening, moaning, rising hysterical cry from the little cave in the side of the stone mountain, the cry of death. This quote in Chapter 6 describes the climax of the book and reveals what the pearl has wrought for Kino and his family.   And the music of the pearl drifted to a whisper and disappeared. Kino finally escapes the siren call of the pearl, but what does it take for him to change?